Carole Jacobs, Author at Travelgirl Travel and Lifestyle Magazine Thu, 30 Mar 2017 04:03:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fabulous FIJI Wed, 11 Jan 2017 16:45:45 +0000 The post Fabulous FIJI appeared first on Travelgirl.



We were skidding across the turquoise sea like a water bug. Ten minutes before, we had boarded the boat from Taveuni, a Fijian island that’s so small you need a magnifying glass to find it on the map. A van had materialized at the tiny airfield where our amusement park-sized plane had landed and transported us down a bumpy dirt road, under a tunnel of palms and past a village of thatch-roofed huts to a small clearing where a motorboat sat waiting. It was our ride to Qamea Island, another miniscule isle, this one so small you couldn’t find it on a map with the Hubble Space Telescope.

We were on Day 1 of a week’s journey around Fiji, bound for three of its swankest and most authentic beach resorts, two located on far-flung islands in the northeastern and northwestern regions of the archipelago, and one nestled on the “Adventure Coast” of Viti Levu, Fiji’s largest isle and home to the city of Nadi and the country’s international airport.

We huddled against the searing sun under a small makeshift canvas awning, the boat skipping across phosphorescent waves shimmering every shade of sapphire. “Land!” someone shouted. A shapeless mound on the horizon had finally revealed itself as a tiny, mountainous isle ringed by blinding-white sands. The driver cut the engine, and as we drifted into shore on the waves, the line of villagers on shore began singing Fiji’s official “Welcome Song.”

A few words about Fiji

Fiji is the poster child for tropical paradise, with more than 330 isles, only a third inhabited. Many of them are blessed with startling airbrushed beaches and lush, fantasia-like mountains, where waterfalls thunder from jungled heights and tropical flowers glow from the gloom of the fern-upholstered rainforests: purple and pink hibiscus, ivory Lady of the Night, Red Firecracker Fern, to name a few.

Yet despite its wild beauty, Fiji had never been on my bucket list: As a Peace Corps volunteer in the Caribbean, I’d seen too many native fishing villages bulldozed, too many villagers displaced so some faceless foreign developer could built another luxury resort. If this was happening in Fiji, I didn’t want to see it.

Fortunately, it wasn’t, and here’s why: The indigenous Fijians, who make up more than half of Fiji’s population and many of whom still live in villages, own more than 80 percent of the country’s land, and this land can never be bought or sold. If someone wants to build a resort on native land, they must get permission from the village and then lease the land from it.

This is a happy fact of life for tourists seeking an authentic Fijian experience: At the three resorts we visited, nearly all the staff were from nearby villages and everything — from the 
entertainment to the spa treatments — was 100 percent Fijian.

Many indigenous Fijians choose to live a simple and communal lifestyle, one that has been handed down from one generation to the next. In the villages we visited, they lived in thatch-roofed huts with dirt floors and kerosene lamps, and they washed their clothing in the river.

Although their lifestyle struck us as rustic, they seemed so happy — joyful, even — that it gave us pause. The Fijians were also the friendliest people I had ever met: Even though we were just passing through, they greeted us with a heart-felt “Bula!” every time they saw us.

Settling into Qamea Resort And Spa

My beachfront bure had a tiny living room with wicker furnishings, a king bed made up in soft linens, a spacious bathroom with a heated towel rack, and  an outdoor rain shower outfitted with fragrant coconut toiletries called “Pure Fiji.” If this stuff could give me the long, silken tresses of the Fijian women, I’d use it for life!

Just a few steps beyond my red “do-not-disturb” coconut there was crystal clear snorkeling off the beach, awesome diving, wind surfing, catamaran sailing, guided kayaking through thick mangroves into neighboring villages, beachfront yoga and a short sarong-tying demo that could have saved me hours dressing for dinner had I chosen to attend. But it had been a long day’s journey to get here and all I really want to do was chill.
A massage was in order, so I walked over a kissing bridge and into a rainforest to the beautiful little spa. My masseuse said she did it all, so I took her hands — they were warm and strong — and said “go for it.” Her traditional Fijian Bobo massage was so rigorous it left bruises but dissolved every known knot in my bod. She followed it with a traditional Fijian hibiscus and coconut body wrap that turned my skin into butter — even the calluses on my elbows and knees had vanished.

From the spa, I walked to the swank indoor-outdoor restaurant for afternoon tea, then headed back to my bure and collapsed in my hammock, hoping to see the green flash as the sun dipped in to the sea. I woke at dusk to the sound of a conch horn announcing dinner.

We dove into a California-meets-Fiji feast with tomato and tamarind soup, king prawn salad, seared tuna with pickled cucumber and Asian greens and for dessert, a dreamy French baked chocolate tart with salted caramels and cream. Then we watched the villagers perform a Meke Ceremony in which they use traditional singing and dancing to pass on stories and legends from one generation to another. Near the end of the performance, they invited us to join them. I spent the next hour dancing barefoot under the stars. Back in my bure, I witnessed a miracle: My cracked, callused feet had been polished smooth by the sand!

The next morning, we breakfasted on fresh tropical fruits, omelets and fresh-baked pastries and then piled back into the motorboat to go back to Taveuni (“The Garden Isle”) and Bouma National Heritage Park. Our guide led us along a trail that climbed deep into the rainforest and up, up, up to two crashing waterfalls, the last one accessed by a steep ladder trail. We were so hot and tired we didn’t wait for an invitation to plunge into the crystal pool and stand under the cascade’s pounding spray.

On to Yasawa Island Resort & Spa

From Qamea, it was a half-day’s journey by boat, van and small plane to Nadi and on to Yasawa in the resort’s tiny private plane. As the isle came into view, the pilot descended in earnest, landing on an air strip as steep as a black-diamond ski slope.

Children of Yasawa Island

We cranked open the plane doors to golden hills and sunbaked air — Qamea’s tropical greens and high humidity a distant memory. The villagers approached us with leis and chilled coconuts with straws and then we piled into a van for the short drive along dusty dirt roads to the resort.As we stepped into an open-air lobby flooded with sunlight, we were once again welcomed with a song.

There were 18 wood bungalows — villas, really, sprinkled along the spanking white beach. I found a spacious living room, bedroom and bath, two outdoor decks and my own private beach where a palm-shaded cabana and daybed faced the waves.

That night, the villagers performed a traditional Meke, after which we settled into a table by the ocean and feasted on fresh grilled snapper, shrimp and crab, grilled corn, salads and homemade cake and ice cream. I swore I’d never eat again, but at breakfast the next morning I managed to devour a big stack of homemade banana pancakes, a fruit and yogurt parfait and several cups of strong Fijian espresso.

After breakfast, we set off across the sparkling sea by motorboat, finally pulling in to the tiny isle of Sawa-I-Lau Caves. This is the one featured in the 1980 Hollywood dream-teen movie Blue Lagoon starring Brooke Shields. The villagers had set up a shell market on the beach, and I agonized over which shell bracelet to buy before climbing an outdoor staircase into the cave. It was dark, and the water was cold, but I dove in and swam across the pool to the guide.

When he told me to hold my breath, dive under the water and swim toward the light, I almost laughed. It sounded like dying. I did as told, and a few scary seconds later emerged in a smaller cavern, and I wondered if Brooke Shields had been as nervous as we were.
Back on the boat, we motored to tiny Yawini Island, one of 11 private beaches owned by the resort (honeymooners often get dropped off for the day) for a lobster picnic lunch with champagne, followed by more snorkeling and relaxing.

At the resort, I walked to the adorable seaside spa for a massage, took a nap on my daybed and then followed the beach to dinner as the sunset blazed pink orange and purple. As we tucked into another feast of fresh grilled fish, it was easy to seehow this place had come to be called Yasawa, which is Fijian for “heaven.”

Nanuku Auberge Resort
View of the pool and beach at Nanuku Auberge Resort. Photo: MCLENNAN

On to Nanuku Auberge Resort

Back on the main island of Viti Levu, we drove along “The Adventure Coast,” famous for its shark diving as well as wine dinners and culinary safaris, which are popular with foodies. Our last stop was the spectacular Nanuku Auberge Resort Fiji, overlooking sacred Beqa Island, home of Fijian fire walking.

This trip had already spoiled us rotten, but Nanuku took it to a whole new level: My luxurious bure had a romantic poster bed with wrap-around mosquito netting, a private plunge pool and hot tub and a personal “buddy.” Pela offered to help me unpack and before I could protest, she had drawn me a bubble bath, wondered if I needed anything ironed or laundered, and could she fetch me a cup of tea and homemade cookies from the kitchen?

The next morning, I slept through 6 a.m. kayaking, 7 a.m. paddle boarding, 8 a.m. beach yoga and just about made it to Sunday breakfast in time to hear the village choir belting out beautiful hymns. The resort’s Kanavata Restaurant is famous for its gourmet twist on farm-to-table cuisine, and my buttermilk pancakes layered with lady fingers, bananas, cinnamon and vanilla bean pod ice cream drizzled with Fijian honey certainly fit the bill.
After breakfast, we boated over to Beqa, hiking a steep trail up through impenetrable jungle to the top and wondering if we had just imagined that mystical unseen presence following us. Back at the resort, I took a paddle boarding lesson and all that falling and failing to get up gave me a huge appetite for the homemade soups and fresh salads at lunch.

We spent the afternoon on a guided kayaking tour through the lush tunnels and tranquil waters of mangrove forests along the Deuba River, en route passing by mud lobsters, herons, harrier hawks, kingfishers, fruit bats and other denizens of the river.

Nanuku Auberge Resort Horn Greeting
Nanuku Auberge Resort Horn Greeting. Photo: MCLENNAN

Dinner that night was a gala event beginning with a Torch Lighting Ceremony on the beach and a traditional Kava Ceremony, during which the men of the village stood in a circle singing and chanting while a few of their ranks crushed the roots of kava kava (a native shrub) into a large bowl and added water.

The resulting dark liquid was poured in cups and passed around. I took a teensy sip (it tasted just like mud) lest I ruin my appetite for dinner. The multi-course bacchanalia included tuna sushi with wasabi, tempura eggplant, crisp, slow-cooked pork belly, pan-fried fillet of snapper and coconut cream brulee for dessert. It was the most decadently delicious meal I have ever had, hold the kava.

The post Fabulous FIJI appeared first on Travelgirl.

13 Best Fitness Apps Mon, 26 Sep 2016 02:37:04 +0000 The post 13 Best Fitness Apps appeared first on Travelgirl.


Want to Lose Weight and Get Fit? There’s an App for That!

Is there anything worse than discovering you can’t squeeze into your favorite walking shorts or swim suit? These 13 apps make getting fit a cinch whether you want to run, walk, cycle or work out excess pounds or use customized strength training program to shape your legs, sculpt your tush and tone and firm those flabby abs!

Get moving with Fitbit. Whether you choose the wrist-mounted Flex, the clip-on One or slip the Zip in your pocket, the apps work with your smartphhone to track steps taken, calories burned, food consumed and how many zzzs you get in 24 hours. As you change your habits and get healthier and morefit, the Fitbit monitors your progress.

Dump pounds and get fit with Lose It! It takes your profile and goal weight and puts together your personal daily budget. Set that goal, follow the budget, and start losing it now! Lose It! has a large, verified food database that makes counting and tracking calories easy. You can log past meals, input custom foods or search by brands.

Get a nudge with Human. If you’re new to fitness, this app will be the fitness coach you’ve been looking for. It encourages you to get off the coach and get moving outdoors. Whether you walk run or cycle, it will track your progress and let you brag about it on the social media of your choice.

Take a hike (and lose weight, too!) with MapMyHike. This app uses your phone’s GPS to track your moves. Map out a hike before leaving home, start hiking and the app will track your speed, pace, calories burned and what you eat en route.  With 70 million-plus routes, you’ll never be at a loss for somewhere to walk or hike and you’ll never have to worry about getting lost again! Or be brave and create your own route. The app also tracks what you eat so you can lose weight faster.

Turn fitness into a fun video game with Fitocracy. Bored to death with your fitness regimen? Fitocracy is sheer genius at getting you motivated. The app takes the addictive qualities of games like Pokemon and combines it with your workout.. As you complete your workout, you’ll receive “quests” tailored to your preferred activities, earn experience points, progress to new fitness levels and slay the laziness dragon. You can also make friends with other Fitocrats and participate in a fitness social network to increase your motivation and become more awesome. Named An App of the Year by Men’s Journal magazine.

Get a monster workout with Gorilla Workout, an app that helps you lose weight, build muscle, increase agility, and gain energy on a tight budget. It has 175 different bodyweight workouts with 40-plus unique exercises. Choose from four different fitness levels and signature workouts to get fit. Every exercise also has real-life video and text descriptions. No wonder Gorilla was named the Ipad app of the year in 2013 by Apple.

Walk your way to fitness with Accupedo, which measure distance, steps, minutes, calories or laps around a standard track and tracks your progress over time

Kick butt with the Boot Camp Challenge. Get lean, strong and fit with an app that features more than 200 exercises and beginner to advanced routes using beat-sync technology that matches the tempo of your music to your workout.

Count calories and lose weight with My Fitness Buddy, an app that tracks your moves and caloric intake. You may be shocked to discover you’re eating a lot more than you think! The food diary measures ever bite, gram of carbs, fat and protein you eat with no fuss or hassle and takes the mystery out of weight loss. It also gives you access to 1 million food items. Or add your own foods and recipes and access them from anywhere.

Get fit with Fitness Builder. With one of the most comprehensive fitness databases on the planet, this app lets you access a huge library of fitness images and videos, challenging workouts of all varieties, live personal trainers and also lets you track your workouts and progress.

Take a run with Nike+ Running and RunKeeper. If your exercise regimen revolves around running or jogging, these two apps let you map out runs, track your speed, distance and calories burned and  track your location using GPS. RunKeeper lets you keep and track your running stats and set goals, and has customized training plans and voice coaching.

Keep a personal trainer at your fingertips with Endomondo Sports Tracker. This app does all the usual stuff (tracks your heart rate, calories, speed and distance) and more: Enter your fitness goals and an audio coach will provide feedback while you exercise to keep you moving and motivated.

Be Your own Gym with You are Your Own Gym, which provides 200-plus video demonstrations and workout options. Create your own individualized workout for your fitness level with workouts that offer 81 different combinations per fitness level.

The post 13 Best Fitness Apps appeared first on Travelgirl.

How to Beat Jet Lag: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know Mon, 26 Sep 2016 02:13:15 +0000 The post How to Beat Jet Lag: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know appeared first on Travelgirl.


Whether you’re a “Road Warrior” who has piled up thousands of Frequent Flier Miles, or someone who is planning a vacation to a distant locale, you’re likely to experience “jet lag,” which can have a profound effect on your sleep and alertness.

For years, jet lag was considered merely a state of mind. Now, studies have shown that the condition actually results from an imbalance in our body’s natural “biological clock” caused by traveling to different time zones.

Basically, our bodies work on a 24-hour cycle called “circadian rhythms .” These rhythms are measured by the distinct rise and fall of body temperature, plasma levels of certain hormones and other biological conditions. All of these are influenced by our exposure to sunlight and help determine when we sleep and when we wake.

When traveling to a new time zone, our circadian rhythms are slow to adjust and remain on their original biological schedule for several days. This results in our bodies telling us it is time to sleep, when it’s actually the middle of the afternoon, or it makes us want to stay awake when it is late at night. This experience is known as jet lag.

Also, altitude plays a role in how get lagged we feel after a long flight. In general, the higher the altitude, the greater the sleep disruption and jet lag. Generally, sleep disturbance becomes greater at altitudes of 13,200 feet or more. The disturbance is thought to be caused by lower oxygen levels and accompanying changes in respiration. Most people adjust to new altitudes in two to three weeks.

Steps to avoid jet lag

Some simple tweaks before, during and after your flight can help lessen the side effects of jet lag. Book a flight that gets you to your destination in early evening.

  • Try to stay awake until about 10 pm local time. If you feel sleepy during the day, take a short nap (no more than two hours) and set an alarm to make sure you don’t overdo it.
  • Plan ahead for time changes by getting up and going to bed earlier several days prior to an eastward trip and later for a westward trip.
  • Upon boarding the plane, change your watch to local time at your final destination
    Steer clear of booze and caffeine at least three to four hours before bedtime. Both are stimulants that prevent sleep.
  • When you reach your destination, avoid heavy meals. A light snack (as long as it’s not caffeine or alcohol) is fine.
  • Don’t work out or engage in strenuous exercise too close to bedtime (running, vigorous walking, hardcore cycling, spinning, etc.) Yoga, Pilates and stretching is fine and will help relax you while light exercise is fine in the daytime and may help set your internal clock for better sleep.
  • When you start getting sleepy on the plane, wear earplugs and blindfolds to block out unwanted noise and light and tell the stewardess not to disturb you for meals and snacks served during the night.
  • When you reach your destination or between flights, get some sun. Daylight helps regulate your biological clock while indoor air (airports, airplanes, restaurants, subways and trains) only worsens it.
  • Don’t worry about what you eat before a flight. Contrary to popular belief, specific foods have no effect on preventing or minimizing jet lag.

Handling travel related stress conditions

Two common travel related stress conditions are the “First Night Effect” and the “On-Call Effect.” The first condition occurs when trying to sleep in a new or unfamiliar environment like the middle seat of an airplane or a new bed in a hotel room. The second is caused by the nagging fear that something you’re not expecting (an airline stewardess serving you an unwanted meal or a fellow passenger stumbling over you to get to the restroom) might wake you up. To avoid them, try these tips:

  • Bring something from home to make you feel more comfy in a new environment; for instance, a photo of you and your significant or a piece of jewelry that reminds you of home.
  • Find out if your hotel has voice mail service. If they do, have them handle your calls.
  • Check your room for things that could wake you up prematurely, such as light shining through drapes or unwanted maid service. That “Do Not Disturb” card is there for a reason, so use it!
  • Don’t rely on your cell phone or wrist watch to wake you up. Ask for two wake-up calls five or ten minutes apart from each other in case the first call doesn’t wake you up or you drift back to sleep.

How to avoid jet lag

The most common environmental elements affecting sleep are noise, sleep surface, temperature or climate, and altitude. Your age and gender also play a part in determining the level of sleep disturbance caused by these factors.

One study found that women are more easily awakened than men by sonic booms and aircraft noise, while other research indicates that men may be more noise sensitive. Children are generally insensitive to extreme noise levels. However, this high threshold declines with age.

Stop the noise

The most common environmental elements affecting sleep are noise, sleep surface, temperature or climate, and altitude. Your age and gender also play a part in determining the level of sleep disturbance caused by these factors. One study found that women are more easily awakened than men by sonic booms and aircraft noise, while other research indicates that men may be more noise sensitive. Children are generally insensitive to extreme noise levels. However, this high threshold declines with age.

Noises at levels as low as 40 decibels or as high as 70 decibels generally keep us awake. Interestingly, however, the absence of a familiar noise can also disrupt sleep. City dwellers may have trouble falling asleep without the familiar sounds of traffic. Or a traveler may find it difficult to sleep without the familiar tick, tick, tick of the alarm clock at home.

Some noises, although annoying at first, can gradually be ignored, allowing sleep to follow. Studies show people can get used to noises such as city traffic in about one week. However, important noises, like a parent’s baby crying, a smoke alarm or even one’s own name being called, are not easily assimilated and generally snap us awake.

Experts are also studying the ability of certain sounds to induce sleep. “White noise,” such as caused by a fan, air conditioner, or radio static, can often block out unwanted noise and encourage sleep.

Mind your sleep surface

Little research is available and not surprisingly on how much sleeping surfaces affect our slumber. For the most part, we know people sleep better when horizontal and not cramped by space. As with noise, however, women and more mature people appear more sensitive to variations in sleep surfaces.

Find your personal temperature for good sleep

The point at which sleep is disturbed due to temperature or climate conditions varies from person to person. Generally, temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit and below 54 degrees will awaken people.

Coping with jet lag

Modifying your behavior and taking sleeping pills are both commonly accepted measures used to minimize certain sleep disorders. As mentioned, certain behaviors can help your body better adjust to new time zones and surroundings. Although there are no guarantees to a fast and sound sleep, simple adjustments in your behavior when traveling may help you get the quality of rest needed to start the day refreshed.

  • Sleep Aids: According to NSF’s 2002 Sleep in America  poll, 15% of the respondents reported using either a prescription sleep medication (8%) and/ or an over- the- counter (OTC) sleep aid (10%) to help them sleep at least a few nights a month. While pills do not resolve the biological imbalance caused by jet lag, they may help manage short-term insomnia brought on by travel. Be sure to discuss the use of sleeping pills with your doctor before you try them. Sleep medication can cause side effects.
  • Melatonin: One OTC product receiving a lot of attention lately is melatonin. Melatonin is a naturally secreted hormone in humans that affects the body’s circadian rhythms. There is some evidence that when administered during the day, melatonin increases the tendency to sleep, but at night, the amount of sleep is unaffected. Currently, melatonin is largely available only in health food stores and is not regulated. Therefore, melatonin is, at present, an experimental approach to sleep problems and travelers should consult their physicians before using it.
  • Behavioral: Modifying your behavior and taking sleeping pills are both commonly accepted measures used to minimize certain sleep disorders.

Back from a trip? How to get over jet lag

Traveling for work or pleasure can be fun and interesting, but traveling to a new time zone can result in jet lag. This condition occurs when your circadian rhythms are slow to adjust to the new time zone and remain on their original biological schedule for several days. This results in your body telling you it is time to sleep, when it’s actually the middle of the afternoon, or it makes you want to stay awake when it is late at night.
Here are some tips for minimizing the occurrence of jet lag :

  • Select a flight that allows early evening arrival and stay up until 10 p.m. local time. (If you must sleep during the day, take a short nap in the early afternoon, but no longer than two hours. Set an alarm to be sure not to over sleep.)
  • Avoid alcohol or caffeine at least three to four hours before bedtime. Both act as “stimulants” and prevent sleep.
  • Try to get outside in the sunlight whenever possible. Daylight is a powerful stimulant for regulating the biological clock. (Staying indoors worsens jet lag.)
  • Modifying your behavior can help your body cope and overcome jet lag. Melatonin is an over the counter product that can also help. Learn more about how to cope with jet lag  by creating a sleep friendly environment .

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10 Ways to Clean Your Diet – Even if You’re On a Budget Mon, 26 Sep 2016 00:52:33 +0000 The post 10 Ways to Clean Your Diet – Even if You’re On a Budget appeared first on Travelgirl.


There’s something about this time of year that makes people want to hit the restart button and recharge their health and fitness. But what’s the best way to do it if you can’t even afford to buy healthy groceries?

“Healthy groceries aren’t as pricey as you might think,” says Andrea Worich, a nationally-recognized consumer and money-saving expert, who appears on Fox News, MSNBC and in many other media outlets. “A recent study from the Economic Research Center of the USDA found that the average consumer on a 2,000-calorie diet could meet all their fruit and vegetable requirements for just $2.60 per day,” she says.

Woroch offers 10 healthy ways to spring-clean your diet and learn how to fit nutritious food into your budget — no matter how small it is!

Shop in season.

Americans are blessed to have access to just about any fruit or vegetable year-round. However, it’s best from a flavor and budgetary standpoint to buy produce according to its season: Strawberries are best purchased in summer while citrus is a better winter buy. Holidays also offer better prices on produce popular for entertaining. For example, yams and sweet potatoes are always on sale in November before Thanksgiving. Look for recipes that use the current season’s fruit and vegetables to save on family meals.

Choose organic produce wisely.

Another misconception about healthy eating is that you must buy organic. However, not every fruit and vegetable you purchase needs to be organic. Coined the “clean fifteen,” produce with outer skins that you peel away like pineapple, avocado, onion and sweet corn aren’t affected by pesticides. Produce you eat directly, skin and all, is better purchased organic if your goal is to avoid chemicals.

Find freshness in the frozen aisle.

Frozen fruits and vegetables may seem like a less-healthy choice compared to fresh, but they’re actually just as nutritious and much cheaper. That’s because produce is flash frozen at peak ripeness, retaining optimal flavor and nutrients. When buying frozen produce, don’t assume brand-names are superior to lesser-cost generic or store brands; after all, frozen peas are frozen peas! If you have room in your freezer, stock up during sale time when you can purchase frozen produce for as little as $1 per bag.

Compare store sales.

While shopping in season guarantees lower prices on select fruits and vegetables, stores don’t always offer the same low prices, It’s important to compare prices among stores to ensure you’re getting the best deal. For example, a store might be selling your favorite variety of apples for $1.29 per pound, down from $1.99 per pound. However, another store might have the same variety on sale for $0.88 per pound, a far better sale price. Consult to access store circulars online and instantly compare store prices for specific products.

Print coupons.

Think coupons only exist for processed food? Think again. Whole Foods just released a mobile app featuring in-store deals on everything from quinoa to black beans to whole-grain bread. If you live along the East Coast and shop at an independent grocer, you’ll soon have access to dCoupon, a mobile couponing platform that offers manufacturer’s coupons via smartphone. You can even find coupons for produce: deals’ site has a healthy offer discount available every week for 20% off a rotating list of fresh produce, including bananas, pears, broccoli and more.

Try the store’s organic brand.

More private label and generic brands are offering organic food at an average of 30% savings. In fact, the national grocery chain Kroger released their own brand of organic foods two years ago and has since grown to offer 35,000 items in this category. Walmart’s partnership with Wild Oats has yielded affordable options on everything from canned beans to chicken broth to fruit preserves. Ultimately, the steady flow of new organic products and companies has led to lower prices across a range of food categories, including cereals, breads, dairy, condiments and canned goods.

Look out for manager markdowns.

Lean protein and fish are among the most expensive health foods on your grocery list. The key to saving on these is to search for manager markdowns. Meats, chicken or fish nearing the sell-by date are often marked down but perfectly safe to consume. Pick up several packages then freeze what you don’t cook right away for safe consumption later on.

Plant a garden.

Why waste time and money at the grocery store when you can grow your own vegetable garden? Start small by planting just a couple of your favorite herbs like rosemary, sage or dill and study up on gardening tips for optimal conditions. Apartment dwellers don’t  have to dismiss this tip, either; vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, summer squash, eggplant and peppers can be grown in containers on window sills.

Consider joining a CSA group.

If you enjoy cooking and are not intimidated by uncommon fruits and vegetables, consider joining a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group in your area. Consumers pay upfront for a membership to receive weekly boxes of fresh-grown produce, and in some cases, members help with deliveries or with small tasks on the farm. To learn more about CSAs and pricing in your community, consult

Buy in bulk, selectively.

While bulk shopping can help you save 30 to 40% on your grocery bill, not everything is a smart buy when it comes to health foods. For instance, bulk containers or large bags of produce may lead to food waste if you can’t finish the fruits or veggies before they spoil. Focus your warehouse purchases on non-perishable health foods like quinoa, brown rice, almond butter and olive oil. Quinoa, touted as today’s leading super food and cleanest carb to eat, has a relatively long shelf life (2 to 3 years dry) so you don’t have to worry about it going bad.

The post 10 Ways to Clean Your Diet – Even if You’re On a Budget appeared first on Travelgirl.

Five Reasons to Go to Paso Robles Tue, 20 Sep 2016 05:06:44 +0000 The post Five Reasons to Go to Paso Robles appeared first on Travelgirl.


Dying to go to Italy this summer but can’t afford the airfare? Who needs Europe when Paso Robles has everything Italy has except the language barrier — and those pesky Italian men?

Located midway between LA and San Francisco near the Central Coast, Paso Robles has nonstop sunshine, a Mediterranean climate and miles of rolling green hillsides carpeted with organic farms, ranches, dairy farms, orchards — and more than 200 artisan wineries. The 1800s downtown is crammed with tasting rooms, farm-to-table restaurants, sidewalk cafes, farmers markets, museums and antique shops. Paso Robles is also just a short drive from the staggering beauty of Highway 1 and the coast. Here you’ll find more wineries, vineyards and farm-to-table restaurants along the Pacific Coast Wine Trail, drop-dead-gorgeous wine towns like Cambria, miles of pristine beaches pounded by thundering surf, rugged cliffs that crash to foaming surf, a tide pool that will keep you entranced for hours, and the storied Hearst Castle, which towers from its rocky perch over the Pacific.

Five reasons to check out Paso Robles now

Gimme wine, wine, wine: Paso Robles was recently named the Wine Region of the Year by Wine Enthusiast Magazine, and it’s also why esteemed wine critic Robert Parker says that the wines of the Central Coast will “rule America.” During a visit to Paso Robles Wine Country, you can explore wineries that collectively produce more than 40 diverse wine grape varieties, including proprietary Paso Robles blends of Bordeaux, Rhône and Zinfandel varietals. Many wineries host summertime dinners, parties and concerts, and there are guided and self-guided wine tours galore for every palate and budget.

Allegretto Vineyard Resort Courtyard

Home, James! I’ve been to Italy several times, but in all my travels there I’ve never stayed anywhere as beautiful as Allegretto Vineyard Resort by Ayres, a castle-like villa surrounded by 20 acres of fledging vineyards, Mediterranean-style gardens and spouting fountains. Modeled after a real Tuscan villa and authentic down to the last nail, the villa is complete with a French-inspired treasure chest of a chapel with stained glass windows that I accessed via the Romeo and Juliet Tunnel, scaled to accommodate a horse and small carriage. With a double staircase for a bride and groom, it struck me as the perfect place to get married — if only hubby and I had known about this place 25 years ago! Inside the inn, my spacious room had 14-foot ceilings — I could have flown a kite in there — and French doors that opened up to a private patio overlooking the inner courtyard. After a tour of the vineyards, I headed to the inn’s intimate Cello Ristorante for Italian-inspired farm-to table cuisine (Cello also serves local wines, one made by Allegretto) and set the alarm for my 9 a.m. vino therapy facial at the inn’s tiny spa. On the long walk back to my room, I took a stroll around the inside of the hotel, whose walls and hallways were adorned with art treasures from all over the world: antiques from India; Russian Impressionist paintings; intricately-carved wooden doors from Asia; and a crystal sculpture in the shape of a woman that seemed to mirror my sentiments as it slowly changed hues — pink for the glow my facial had given me, purple for the tranquility Allegretto had wrapped me in and blue for the way I felt at having to leave so soon.

They call this a motel? Paso is so wine-crazy that even the local La Quinta (motel chain) has its own winery, vineyards, evening wine tasting and even its own label, which was created by the employees. It’s also the only La Quinta on the planet with a separate building outfitted with plush 1- and 2-bedroom apartments equipped with the works — full kitchens, dining rooms with gas fireplaces, and bedrooms with cushy pillow top beds. Balconies overlook the vines, outdoor pool, Jacuzzi, fitness center and more. Rates start at $129 per night and include wine tasting and breakfast — you won’t find a better deal anywhere.

Wine pour courtesy of Allegretto Vineyard Resort

Farm-to-plate eating: Along with vineyards, Paso Robles is also home to a slew of organic farms, orchards, ranches and more, many of which sell their homegrown wares to local restaurants. One of the tastiest places to eat your veggies and more is Thomas Hill Organics, a quaint eatery in downtown Paso where the lentil tacos, grilled artichoke and cheese plate, avocado toast (a Central Coast classic!), and the pork belly sandwich will put you over the moon. Wash it down with a local wine or two and treat your sweet tooth to orange crème brulee for dessert!

Work it off! With trails like Cerro Alta, you can kiss your treadmill or stair climber goodbye. The trail starts at Cerro Alto campground in the Los Padres National Forest, halfway between the towns of Atascadero and Morro Bay on Highway 41. There are several options and loops, but if you had that crème brulee for dessert, you may want to go for the summit! It’s a steep climb — you’ll gain 1,500 feet in just two and a half miles, but the view from the top, one of the highest places on the Central Coast, is pure panoramic heaven: Paso Robles’ patchwork-quilt-scenery unfolds in rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle, vineyards marching for miles, brilliant yellow mustard fields, slopes carpeted with orange poppies, grassy meadows speckled with wildflowers, and looking-glass lakes glinting from the land like tiny mirrors. On the western horizon where the end of the land meets the edge of the shining sea, Morro Rock stands sentinel over the deep blue Pacific. It’s magic.

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7 Reasons to Visit the Little Town of Lompoc Tue, 20 Sep 2016 04:17:39 +0000 The post 7 Reasons to Visit the Little Town of Lompoc appeared first on Travelgirl.


So you’ve never been to Lompoc? Neither had I until this past spring — and I’ve lived in California for 30 years — and in LA for 20 of them! If you’re looking for winding back roads hemmed in by neon-green hillsides flecked with wildflowers, cows and weathered barns; miles of rainbow-colored fields of commercial flowers; drop-dead-gorgeous beaches set in secret coves backed by neon-green hills of wildflowers; historic lighthouses overlooking crashing waves; a wild horse sanctuary with Robert Redford on its board; an artisan craft wine trail located in an industrial park; several farm-to-table and sea-to-table restaurants that serve awesomely creative fare,  and a colorfully downtown that’s literally paved with murals done by local artists, you’re home.  Here are 7 reasons to visit this artsy town surrounded by flower fields, and located about 90 minutes north of LA.

Lompoc Flower Fields
Photo Credit Explore Lompoc

The Flowers!

Starting in May and lasting through August, you’ll see spectacular patches of blooms when the region’s commercial flower fields erupt in a riot of color. Known as the flower seed capital of the world, Lompoc’s vast fields of larkspur, stock, delphinium, bells of Ireland, sweet pea, sunflowers, bachelor’s buttons, marigolds, Queen Anne’s lace and alyssum carpet the slopes, providing about 40 percent of the country’s cut flower crop. Even some of the veggies grown here (lettuce, celery, beans, artichokes, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and wine grapes) contribute to the show by putting out pretty buds and blossoms. The town of Lompoc celebrates the annual eruption with a hometown Flower Festival the last week in June complete with a flower parade, flower queen and her court, food and craft booths, carnival, live entertainment, and much more.  The year’s 64th annual festival will be held Saturday, June 27 at Ryan Park. For more info and a touring map of the flower fields, visit

The Food!

All that fresh produce grown in the fields of Lompoc makes its way to the town’s quaint farm-to-table restaurants. One of the best is Scratch Kitchen, a Ma-and Pa eatery and Lompoc’s newest restaurant featuring farm-to-table meals from scratch, highlighting the best culinary elements of the Lompoc and Santa Ynez Valleys. Don’t miss the goat cheese mashed potatoes, sautéed asparagus, green beans with sweet pepper gremolata and the pan seared herbed ahi tuna. And check out the wine bar for the best local wine to enjoy with your meal. You’ll also want to try Nikka Fish Enterprises for the best fresh fish in town — caught just a few miles away. Don’t miss the (local) halibut tacos and check out one of the craft beers made locally. There’s also a fish market inside the restaurant where you can purchase anything from salmon to mahi-mahi.,

The Farms!

Lompoc’s Dare 2 Dream Farms hosts a variety of events throughout the year including farm-to-table events, farm tours, educational workshops, and work-exchange days where you can “learn by doing” in exchange for a farm-to-table meal. Learn how to organic garden, raise chickens, can veggies and more.

Photo Credit: Jason Reynolds
Jalama Beach Mountain Photo Credit: Jason Reynolds

The Beaches!

Jalama Beach County Park is accessed via a wildly beautiful winding back road that looks like its on loan from Big Sur. The barely two-laner threads between rolling green hillsides flecked with wildflowers, cows and horses, passes by beautiful weathered barns, and leaves the best for the end: a gorgeous county beach tucked in a beautiful cove where you can park your RV, pitch a tent or rent a cottage and enjoy beach-combing, swimming or fishing the surf or rock outcroppings for perch, bass and halibut. As long as you’re here, don’t miss the Jalama Beach Store and Grill. Hunker down for one of their world-famous jalama burgers, a bowl of their homemade clam chowder or a sizzling plate of their homemade chile verde, and save room for Aunt Ruth’s Raw Apple Cake for dessert. For more info, visit

The Horses!

At Return to Freedom Wild Horse Sanctuary, a 300-acre sanctuary for about 400 wild horses and burros, you can journey into the world of wild horses and experience total immersion in the herds of wild horses and burros. Learn how you can adopt a horse or burro and personally help protect one of these beautiful creatures from the systematic capture and slaughter that is ongoing in the American West because of pressure from ranching, hunting, mining and other special interest groups. Or bond with a horse and get insights into yourself by attending one of the sanctuary’s special programs. Visit for more info.

The murals!

One of the coolest things about downtown Lompoc is its massive, eye-popping wall murals. They practically turn the walls of several downtown buildings into an art museum! Each of the 30 murals was drawn by a local artist to represent something about Lompoc’s history and culture, and a new one is commissioned every year. For more info and a tour map of the murals, visit

The Ghetto
The ghetto sign at Flying Goat. Photo credit: Explore Lompoc

The Lompoc Wine Ghetto!

Forget about grand estates, sweeping vineyard vistas and vine-themed boutiques. The Lompoc Wine Ghettos features substance over style, but a peek inside its metal roll-up doors and concrete architecture in Lompoc’s Sobhani Business Park reveals an unexpected treasure: Some of Santa Barbara County’s most talented winemakers are crafting wines in this raw industrial space with 19 tasting rooms. Check out award-winning pinot noirs, Bordeaux and more and don’t be surprised if the person pouring the wine also created it. The ghetto has become a mecca for world-class artisan wine production. For more info, visit

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3-IN-ONE BEAUTY TOOL Mon, 05 Sep 2016 22:05:23 +0000 The post 3-IN-ONE BEAUTY TOOL appeared first on Travelgirl.

Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil
Nudestix Lip and Cheek Pencil

Planning on traveling light? Pack the Nudestix Intense Color Lip + Cheek Pencil, a soft matte lipstick, lip liner, and cheek blush all-in-one, so you can look gorgeous and save precious carry-on space in one fell swoop.  With its uber longwearing formula, the Nudestix pencil is water-proof, kiss-proof, and non-feathering for up to six hours and packed with intense pigment loaded color for smooth coverage and blendability-whether you’re heading to the boardwalk, boardroom or both.  The pencil also contains lip and skin moisturizing ingredients including Shea butter and Vitamin E as well as peptides to add youthful plumpness and comes eco-packaged in a small, portable tin with a large mirror and pencil sharpener. How cool is that?– Carole Jacobs


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Bra with Benefits Mon, 05 Sep 2016 18:11:08 +0000 The post Bra with Benefits appeared first on Travelgirl.

The Travel Bra
Keep Valuables Close to Heart

When it comes to bust size, I’m more of a Twiggy than a Jayne Mansfield, which may explain why I haven’t worn a bra much in 25 years. But The Travel Bra may make me reconsider. Developed by an Australian economic anthropologist who couldn’t find a comfortable bra to fit her travel needs, the bra has mini-pockets and drop-down pouches that can hold your passport, cash, cards, room keys and jewelry! It’s a safe and convenient alternative to money belts and fanny packs.

Made of organic cotton, bamboo and spandex, the full-support bra is highly breathable, anti-microbacterial and quick drying, has ultra-soft bindings on the band and underarm for maximum comfort-and no scratchy labels! -Carole Jacobs


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Heart Rock Herb & Spice Company’s Travel Spice Kit Mon, 05 Sep 2016 17:29:07 +0000 The post Heart Rock Herb & Spice Company’s Travel Spice Kit appeared first on Travelgirl.

Travel Spice Kit
Heart Rock Herb & Spice Co. Travel Spice Kit

Spice up your meals on the go: Give blah airline fare, fast food and restaurant fare a spicy gourmet kick with Heart Rock Herb & Spice Company’s Travel Spice Kit. Founded by Lake Tahoe travelgirl and master gardener Diane Weidinger, the small travel spice kit contains six 1-ounce tins of fresh spices blended in small quantities for guaranteed freshness that will enhance the flavor of meats, salads, BBQ, fish, casseroles and anything else you’re likely to eat while traveling.

A larger, extended travel kit contains six 2-ounce tins and three 1-ounce tins of fresh spices. Diane donates 10 percent of her profits to two organizations that help feed the hungry and where she volunteers her time, including Bread & Broth, where she serves as a volunteer cook and program director, and the George Whittell Thunderbird Lodge, where she’s a master gardener. -Carole Jacobs
Small travel kit, $24.50; extended travel kit, $44.95

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