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AP®︎/College Calculus BC

Not feeling ready for this? Check out Get ready for AP® Calculus.

Meet an AP®︎ teacher who uses AP®︎ Calculus in his classroom

Bill Scott uses Khan Academy to teach AP®︎ Calculus at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and he’s part of the teaching team that helped develop Khan Academy’s AP®︎ lessons. Phillips Academy was one of the first schools to teach AP®︎ nearly 60 years ago.
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Meet an AP®︎ teacher who uses AP®︎ Calculus in his classroom

Bill Scott uses Khan Academy to teach AP®︎ Calculus at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, and he’s part of the teaching team that helped develop Khan Academy’s AP®︎ lessons. Phillips Academy was one of the first schools to teach AP®︎ nearly 60 years ago.
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Test your knowledge of the skills in this course. Have a test coming up? The Course challenge can help you understand what you need to review.
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