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AP®︎/College Statistics
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Representing a quantitative variable with dot plots: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Displaying and describingRepresenting a quantitative variable with histograms and stem plots: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Displaying and describingDescribing the distribution of a quantitative variable: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Displaying and describing
Measuring center in quantitative data: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Summary statisticsMore on mean and median: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Summary statisticsMeasuring variability in quantitative data: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Summary statistics
Effects of linear transformations: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Summary statisticsMore on standard deviation (optional): Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Summary statisticsGraphical representations of summary statistics: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Summary statistics
Percentiles: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Percentiles, z-scores, and the normal distributionZ-scores: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Percentiles, z-scores, and the normal distributionDensity curves: Exploring one-variable quantitative data: Percentiles, z-scores, and the normal distribution
Introduction to random variables and probability distributions: Random variables and probability distributionsMean and standard deviation of random variables: Random variables and probability distributionsTransforming random variables: Random variables and probability distributions
Combining random variables: Random variables and probability distributionsIntroduction to the binomial distribution: Random variables and probability distributionsParameters for a binomial distribution: Random variables and probability distributionsThe geometric distribution: Random variables and probability distributions
Introduction to confidence intervals: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsConfidence intervals for proportions: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsThe idea of significance tests: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsSetting up a test for a population proportion: Inference for categorical data: Proportions
Carrying out a test for a population proportion: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsConcluding a test for a population proportion: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsPotential errors when performing tests: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsConfidence intervals for the difference of two proportions: Inference for categorical data: ProportionsTesting for the difference of two population proportions: Inference for categorical data: Proportions
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